Fort Lauderdale, FL Office Space for Lease or Rent (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Asking prices vary based on the property location, rating, amenities such as proximity to restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues, as well as convenience of access to public transport, airports, and thoroughfares.

    The average rent for office space in Fort Lauderdale is $35.08 per square foot. The minimum rental rate for office space in Fort Lauderdale is $15 per square foot.

    The most common factor that influences cost of office space in any location is the property class rating. For example, Fort Lauderdale office space rated Class A asks an average of $40.69 per square foot. Class B office space in Fort Lauderdale costs $24.35 per square foot, on average. Listings of office space in Class C buildings asked an average of $21.32 per square foot.

    For more details on Fort Lauderdale office space rent and sales prices, as well as overall market quality and new construction data, see Fort Lauderdale Office Market Trends.

  • Most experts recommend an average of between 75 and 150 square feet of office space per person. However, it is important to keep in mind that how much office space you ultimately need depends on your activity and how you need to use the space, as much as it does on how many people it should accommodate. If you already know what size office would best suit your needs, use the available space size filter at the top of the search page to focus your search on the best fit for you.

    You’ll find a home for almost any size of business in Fort Lauderdale, as the local office market offers a wide range of options. Office spaces currently on the market go up to as much as 129,949 square feet in size for an individual listing.
    However, there is a variety of differently sized opportunities below that maximum. For your consideration, the median size of an office space for lease in Fort Lauderdale is 2,761 square feet, and the average office space size here is 5,639 square feet.

  • You can find 395 office listing(s) for lease in Fort Lauderdale, which add up to a total of 2,466,901 square feet. Availability on the market includes a variety of office use types, such as General Office, Medical Office, Office Building, Creative Office, Restaurant.

    The most common office use type currently available for lease in Fort Lauderdale is General Office, which is offered in 238 or 60.71% of listings. The second-most frequent office use type listed here is Medical Office, which account for 18 or 4.59% of office space currently available. On the other end of the spectrum, the office use type least common among local listings is Flex - Industrial, which is available in 1 listing(s).

  • You can search 16 office sublease listing(s) in Fort Lauderdale, which amount to a total of 216,945 square feet. Sublease opportunities on the market include General Office, Medical Office, Office Building. The Fort Lauderdale neighborhood or submarket with the most sublease listings available is Fort Lauderdale Airport.

  • The best choice of neighborhood for your office space will greatly depend on the elements that are most relevant to your business and your employees. However, a good criterion to start with is to look at the areas of the city that have the highest concentration of office properties, as these areas are generally well connected to transit options and have a good degree of amenity availability.

    In Fort Lauderdale, the greatest concentration of office space for lease opportunities is in Downtown Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Airport, Flagler Village.

  • Each individual’s commuting experience will of course be different depending on a number of factors. Check the location description details for the office listings that catch your eye, to get an overview of walkability, access to public transport, the quality of infrastructure dedicated to biking commuters, as well as the proximity to parking facilities, fuel stations, and other essential amenities.

  • The Fort Lauderdale office market incorporates a mix of properties of various ages, ratings, construction grades, and other quality indicators. Roughly 44.81% of total office space listings in the city are in properties rated Class A. You will find the highest concentration of Class A office space in the Downtown Fort Lauderdale neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale. Class B office space accounts for 39.24% of spaces listed on the leasing market. The neighborhood with the most Class B office space is Lofts of Palm Aire Village. Class C office space makes up 6.33% of office space available in Fort Lauderdale.

    Buildings completed in and since the year 2000 account for 9.4% of office properties in the city and incorporate a total of 1,415,585 square feet. About 14.53% of office space in Fort Lauderdale is in buildings that have been renovated at least once since 2000.

    Out of the office space listings currently available in Fort Lauderdale, you can find 20 LEED-certified or LEED-proposed option(s). Across the city, about 14% of office space is green, which amounts to 16,873,840 square feet. A total of 4 building(s) here earned a LEED-certification — certification level Gold (4). The local market includes 1 LEED-proposed office building(s) awaiting certification in Fort Lauderdale.

  • There are, of course, a lot of things to factor in when you are looking for office space. Aspects including the accessibility of the location, the quality of the facility, the size of the space, the convenience of nearby amenities, the type and duration of the lease, and of course the cost are all part of the search and decision process. For a quick checklist of what you should take into account when researching the market, consider these seven tips for choosing the best office location for your business. Alternatively, for a comprehensive take on everything to consider when looking for office space, see our in-depth guide to finding office space for small or growing companies. The guide also includes insights from seasoned professionals and can serve as a helpful resource for growing companies, no matter their current size.

  • Are you looking to lease office space in the vicinity of your current location or in a particular neighborhood of Fort Lauderdale? Using the interactive map, you can easily navigate to your preferred location and customize your search area around a specific point of interest. Select “Radius” from the Search Mode options menu, click on the map to set your search reference point, and expand the radius to select your desired search area. Browse available listings to find the best office space that meets your location, as well as other business needs.

Fort Lauderdale, FL Office Space for Lease or Rent (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.