Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (2024)

BY :Bebs | Published: | Updated: | 1 Comment


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Kalamay Lansong is a Filipino steamed glutinous rice delicacy that you can make using only 4 ingredients. This kakanin is perfect for any occasion or as a simple everyday morning or afternoon snack.

Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (1)

I just love making (and eating) different types of Filipino kakanin! They remind me of happy times like fiestas, get-togethers and various celebrations. An occasion is not quite complete without one. Luckily, even with the influx of modern and international desserts, our native goodies remain to be a mainstay in local banquets. This is one of the easiest of them!

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  • More Filipino yummy delicacies
  • What is it?
  • How to Make Kalamay Lansong
  • Tips when making Kalamay Lansong
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  • Kalamay Lansong
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  • More Filipino yummy delicacies

What is it?

Kalamay Lansong is a tasty snack or dessert made with glutinous rice flour, coconut cream, coconut milk, and sugar. This sweet sticky rice cake is a favorite in many parts of the Philippines, particularly in the Visayan region. It resembles the Chinese Nian Gao or Tikoy in appearance but is topped with latik curds. The term "lansong" refers to the bamboo steamer where the kalamay is cooked.

Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (2)

How to Make Kalamay Lansong

It involves very simple steps; I started by making the Latik, then the Kamalay itself. You can make both simultaneously but I use the coconut oil that is a by product of making the latik to grease my pans so it has added yumminess!

Making the Latik

In Filipino cuisine, Latik has two versions. One is the syrupy caramelized coconut cream used as a dessert sauce. And the one we are using in this recipe is made by simmering coconut cream until the oil separates and savory curds are produced. Check my post on how to make Lakik curds for the steps.

Making the Glutinous Rice Cake

The process is very simple, all you need to do is to mix the glutinous rice, coconut milk, and sugar until smooth. Steam over medium heat until it firms up. Once done, you just sprinkle the latik on top and serve. There's nothing to it!

Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (3)

Tips when making Kalamay Lansong

  • Fresh coconut cream and milk are always ideal, although canned coconut cream and milk would suffice when making latik.
  • Use a non-stick pan in making the Latik or coconut toasted curds for easier cooking and handling.
  • The steaming time differs depending on the size of the kalamay you are making. You can check for doneness by insterting a toothpick at the middle. If it comes out clean, then it is done.
  • Let the sticky dessert set and cool down completely before slicing it. Lightly brush the knife with coconut oil (from making the curds) for easier cutting.


Will this work without the banana leaves?

If you are in an area without easy access to banana leaves, you can brush the pan generously with coconut oil to prevent the rice cake from sticking on the pan. You may also use parchment paper.

Why do we cover the lid with a kitchen cloth when steaming?

Draping it with a kitchen towel will prevent the water droplets from dripping into the rice cake while steaming, resulting in a smoother and better-textured kalamay.

I don't have a steamer; what alternative can I use?

You can use a large wok or pan, place a steamer rack over the hot water and rest your pan or molder on top of them. It can serve as your improvised steamer.

Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (4)

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Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (5)

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Kalamay Lansong

5 from 5 votes

Kalamay Lansong is a Filipino steamed glutinous rice delicacy that you can make using only 4 ingredients. This kakanin is perfect for any occasion or as a simple everyday morning or afternoon snack.

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Cook Time: 25 minutes mins

Total Time: 30 minutes mins

Course :Dessert, Snack

Servings =8

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  • Make the Latik. Pour contents of coconut cream in can to a non-stick pan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Continue to cook while stirring from time to time until the oil and curd separate.

  • Remove from heat once it becomes light brown. Remember that it will continue to cook and brown while it cools down so remove it from heat early enough or the latik would burn.

  • Cut out a large circle from a banana leaf about 10x10 in diameter. You can also put 2 leaves together if you have to. Heat the leaf using low fire so it becomes soft and pliable.

  • Line an 8-inch round pan that at least 2-inch high with the prepared banana leaf. Grease the banana leaf with the coconut oil from the Latik. Set aside.

  • In a large bowl, combine the glutinous rice, coconut milk, and sugar and mix until smooth. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan.

  • Place the pan on a steamer with the lid wrapped with a clean kitchen towel to avoid droplets from dripping. Steam over medium heat for 20-25 minutes or until an inserted wooden stick comes out clean.

  • Remove the pan from the steamer and let it cool down. Transfer the kalamay lansong to a serving plate and top with latik then cut into squares before serving.


Calories: 380kcalCarbohydrates: 34gProtein: 4gFat: 28gSaturated Fat: 24gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 11mgPotassium: 273mgFiber: 2gSugar: 20gVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 15mgIron: 3mg

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    What do you think?

  1. Elvira Romano-Grafilo says

    Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (22)
    Looks delicious and easy to make,will try it


Kalamay lansong — Easy Filipino Sticky Rice Delicacy - Foxy Folksy (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.