Sardine Salad Recipe (2024)

BY: Courtney PUBLISHED: 11 Comments UPDATED ON:

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Healthy Sardine Salad recipe for crackers or toasted bagelsardine sandwich! Easy healthy fish recipe packed with fresh lemon, peppers and onions.

Sardine Salad Recipe (1)

Growing up I loved eating canned sardines with sliced onions. My daughter now loves eating sardines too! My husband, however, won’t touch them! That was until I started making this sardine salad recipe! I’m going to show you how to eat sardines and love it! Sardines are lower in heavy metals like mercury, so this is a great alternative if you love tuna, but limit it due to heavy metal concerns. (psst, there are brands that have tuna with less mercury!)

Sardine Salad Recipe (2)Crown Prince Natural Skinless & Boneless Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, 3.75-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12)Sardine Salad Recipe (3)

I grew up eating and loving sardines, so it’s only natural that I gave it to my daughter. I wasn’t sure she would like them, but in our house, we always try it, because “we might like it”! My husband who wouldn’t touch a plain sardine was in disbelief. She can eat them plain, without anything. LOVES IT! Gobbles it up with a spoon, ha.

With this sardine salad recipe you won’t see any heavy dressing like mayo, instead I prefer to keep this a light and healthy recipe. I simply use the oil from the canned sardines and a little bit of lemon juice. You could absolutely drain out the oil and use mayo instead if you’d like. I even like to serve this recipe in romaine lettuce leaves, almost like a fish salad taco, so good!

Sardines is one of her favorites and she’ll literally beg me to buy more once we are down to the last can of sardines. It’s always on the shopping list. We ran out once and she wanted it so we ran to the store. Now we have it on auto delivery, no joke!

Since our family eats sardines so often I make sure we buy canned sardines that are in BPA free cans as well!

Sardine Salad Recipe (4)

It’s great to teach kids to learn all about their food, not just eat it.While my husband doesn’t enjoy them plain, doesn’t show her that he doesn’t like sardines that way. Instead, he joins in and cheers her on trying new food. It’s a big deal for our daughter to try new foods. Thankfully she’s great about trying stuff now that we’ve gotten her into a groove and she understands that if she doesn’t like it, we won’t force her to eat it, but she has to at least try it.

Sardine Salad Recipe (5)

I love to serve this healthy sardine salad recipe with crackers or even on a bagel, oh my yum! It’s a great breakfast brunch recipe, and I love serving it when entertaining. People never would guess it’s sardines. They LOVE it. I don’t tell them what it is until they try it. I feel like it’s harder to get an adult to try a new food rather than a child these days. 😉

Try our Healthy Sardine Salad Recipe today!

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”fNbcoNek” upload-date=”2018-05-24T16:37:34.000Z” name=”Sardine Salad Recipe” description=”Healthy Sardine Salad recipe for crackers or toasted bagel sardine sandwich! Easy healthy fish recipe packed with fresh lemon, peppers and onions.”]

Sardine Salad Recipe (6)

Sardine Salad Recipe

Author: Courtney

Healthy Sardine Salad recipe for crackers or toasted bagelsardine sandwich! Easy healthy fish recipe packed with fresh lemon, peppers and onions.

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Course: Appetizer

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 2

Calories: 28kcal


  • 1 can sardines , boneless, skinless, in oil
  • 1/4 red pepper , chopped
  • 1 tablespoon red onion , chopped
  • 1/8 cup scallions , chopped
  • 1/2 lemon , juiced


  • Dump the sardines with oil into a bowl,

  • Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well.

  • Once combined serve with crackers, on a bagel or even with toast.


Calories: 28kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 2g | Cholesterol: 8mg | Sodium: 32mg | Potassium: 92mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 530IU | Vitamin C: 34.5mg | Calcium: 30mg | Iron: 0.4mg

The nutritional information is automatically calculated and can vary based ingredients and products used. If the nutrition numbers are important for you we recommend calculating them yourself.

nutrition disclaimer

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Sardine Salad Recipe (11)

About Courtney

Family, Food, and Photography are Courtney's passions and you'll see all of that on this blog. She is happily married to her husband Chris and together they have two amazing kiddos!

Reader Interactions


  1. Sardine Salad Recipe (12)KR

    Thank you for sharing! So easy to do and looks amazing!


    • Sardine Salad Recipe (13)Courtney Lopez

      Thank you so much! I know not everyone loves sardines, but they’re so good and so good for you! 🙂

  2. Sardine Salad Recipe (14)JD SPANN

    You are 100 percent correct It’s great to teach kids to learn all about their food, not just eat it. And force her to eat it, but she has to at least try it. Is a great way for kids to learn what they like. Your Recipe sounds great I am going to try it with lime juice and a dash of sweet chili paste! You are a great mom my wife did the same with our kids who are now grown and have a very wide variety of foods they like good job.


  3. Sardine Salad Recipe (15)Kelli Wilson

    This is delicious. I was really surprised how much I enjoyed eating this.


    • Sardine Salad Recipe (16)Courtney

      It’s really delicious – glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  4. Sardine Salad Recipe (17)DAL

    Easy and tastes great. I don’t like sardines but decided to try this…. everyone liked it.


    • Sardine Salad Recipe (18)Courtney

      So glad you guys enjoyed! My husband won’t eat them, but loves this recipe! I think all the flavors take over. I can’t eat them plain, but love it with the additions!! 🙂

  5. Sardine Salad Recipe (19)Les

    Never tried sardines, but reading about the nutritional value…Can’t wait to try! Those crackers in the pic look delish, what kind are they?


    • Sardine Salad Recipe (20)Courtney

      I hope you give it a try!! So good – and those are Mary’s Gone Crackers in everything 🙂

  6. Sardine Salad Recipe (21)Brian Mantle

    Very nice, with some extra lemon juice & a bit of mayonnaise.
    Thank you, Courtney!


  7. Sardine Salad Recipe (22)LD

    This was DELICIOUS! THANK YOU for sharing. We like sardines, but don’t often find good recipes using them.


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Sardine Salad Recipe (2024)
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