Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (2024)

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Here are the four main means of getting rid of your facial fuzz — find out which one is best for you.

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (1)Huizeng Hu / Getty Images

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (2)

By Adam Hurly




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Perhaps you graduated into shaving by learning a single method — I’m guessing the cartridge razor shave — and have stuck with it ever since. Or perhaps you got fed up with it fast and have stuck with a beard or some degree of facial hair, only now you’re curious to shave it all off again.

There is more than one option for shaving. And while all four core methods deliver a close, safe shave — especially since innovation has perfected each method — there are some nuances that make a big difference to some shavers. Let’s say you’re prone to ingrown hairs or you have especially thick, curly or coarse hair. There’s one type of razor I would never recommend to you, and three that I would (one with hesitation, unless you’re at the barbershop or born in 1723).

Anyway, here are those four main means of getting rid of your facial fuzz. Find out which one is best for you — we’d guess you may even stock up on more than one type.

Cartridge Razors

The short of it

Honestly, while cartridge razors are probably the most commonly used blade at this point — and the most unisex and full-body one, too — they don’t offer that many benefits over the next method, safety razors, besides their ease of use.


Easy to use, often with a flexible head that navigates the contours of the face. Often regarded as the least accident-prone razor, which can be debated.

Who it’s best for

Beginners, fast shavers, pragmatic shavers (those who don’t care about the slowed-down, art of it all), gym shavers, travel shavers, body shavers.

How blade count impacts the shave

It is often believed that having more blades is better for a shave. In actuality, it can simply mean more irritation or razor drag. The 5-blade cartridge purports to have reinvented the wheel, whereas many 3-blade cartridges and single-blade safety razors offer a perfectly close, healthy shave.

Hygiene Rules

Replace blades after 6-8 shaves, or after 2-3 weeks, whichever comes first. Store them upright in a cool, dry place after shaving, then with a razor guard after they dry off.

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (3)Courtesy

Dollar Shave Club 4 Blade All-Terrain

  • $8.00 at dollarshaveclub.com

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (4)Amazon

Bic Comfort 3 Hybrid

  • $9.99 at Amazon

    $17.99(44% off)

Safety Razors

The short of it

Safety razors pretty much kick cartridge booty when it comes to quality of shave, fewer irritations/ingrowns, and cost. They’re not that hard to navigate — kind of like learning how to drive manual rather than automatic (wherein cartridges are automatic).


Extremely close, single-blade shave, with a durable razor body (which can last decades, if it’s of the right quality and if you care for it properly). Among enthusiasts and traditionalists, safety razors are the agreed-upon superior blade, for their low cost per blade, low waste, and their ability to shave closely with fewer nicks, cuts and ingrowns.

Who it’s best for

Guys with thick facial hair, ingrown- and irritation-prone snake, people who prefer a slow and ceremonious shave.

Double edge vs. single edge

The biggest difference between these two types of safety razors is, foremost, the number of razor edges you use (no shock there); the double edge exposes both sides of the razor for double the sharpness in a single shave. As such, it often has a rounded head that helps dictate the proper shaving angle, as you rest the head against your skin. The single edge will often have a weightier base that helps guide its strokes. There are lots of innovations in this space that help make the process easier; mostly it’s important to read up on what your prospective safety razor requires. (As an example, two of our favorite brands listed below, Supply, has an innovative design for its single-edge razor, which makes it as easy as first-time cartridge shaving, with lots of customizability within the device itself.)

Hygiene rules

They’re cheap enough that you can usually afford to toss the blades after each use; this way, storage isn’t of main concern, either. But you can reuse blades 1-2 times if you shave frequently enough, and store the rinsed razor upright in a cool, dry place. Don’t use anything older or duller than a couple shaves (or a week or two after use), otherwise, you’ll negate the blade’s best benefit of a close, healthy shave.

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (5)Courtesy

Supply Single Edge 2.0

  • $75.00 at supply.co

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (6)Amazon

Bevel Safety Razor

  • $49.99 at Amazon

Straight Razors

The short of it

The original and the ‘cut-throat,’ a straight razor offers as close a shave as a safety razor, with a steeper learning curve.


A close shave, a high-quality blade, and a shaving method that allows for various ways of handling — the device lets you find the way to shave most comfortably.

Who it’s best for

Barbers, true shave aficionados, George Washington.

How the blade’s point impacts the shave

The outermost tip of straight razor blades will come in different “shapes,” from square to rounded (Dutch), to sharply angled (spike), to one that’s rounded with a finger-friendly divet for easy opening (Barber). If you’re new to it, stick with Dutch. It’ll prevent very easy accidents, whereas those sharp-corned ones (Square and Spike, namely) are less forgiving. Yes, the Spike in particular is deft at trimming under the nose, but then again, so is a straight razor or an electric razor. We vote for going Dutch.

Hygiene rules

You already know about leaving blades exposed in cool, dry places between shaves. But the rules behind a straight razor are largely centered on upkeep. This tool is an investment or should be one. If you want to play in the shaving big leagues, then be sure to invest in a high-quality device that you’re willing to keep sharpened, stropped, and oiled.

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (7)The Art of Shaving

The Art of Shaving Straight Razor

  • $170.00 at The Art of Shaving

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (8)Boker

Boker King Cutter Straight Razor 5/8

  • $189.95 at fendrihan.com

Electric Razors

The short of it

They give you the least close shave, but electric shavers also give you the least problems.


You could probably shave your entire face blindfolded and not get a single nick or cut. Electric shavers work fast, they hold long charges, and can even be brought into the shower (to be fair, so can the other shavers on this list, though we wouldn’t recommend it for any of them).

Who it’s best for

Sensitive shavers, frequent shavers, guys with weighted facial hair (who partially shave), neckline shaves, body shaves.

Foil vs. rotary

The two types of electric shaving heads are both effective at their job, but they cater to different kinds of shavers. Foil heads — they’re long and straight — are best for fine-haired and frequent shavers (as it’s slightly harder to get the hairs inside their tiny holes for the chopping. Rotary heads — rounded, usually in a triangular or quadrant layout — are better for guys with thicker hair, and who may not shave as frequently, and whose hair runs in all different directions. The rotary tends to be the better “blind shave” of the two; it tackles pretty much everything without you needing to pay much attention.

Hygiene rules

Lots of rinsing — even with the shaver turned on and the head removed. Flush out those hairs, let the device dry completely between uses, and oil it up periodically to keep it working efficiently.

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (9)Amazon

Andis Cordless Profoil Shaver

  • $59.99 at Amazon

    $64.99(8% off)

Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (10)Amazon

Philips Norelco S8950/91 Shaver

  • $141.05 at Amazon

    $149.19(5% off)

  • Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (11)

    How to Get the Best Shave Possible

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Which Method of Shaving Is Right for You? | Gear Patrol (2024)


Which method of shaving is best? ›

Shave Both With and Against the Grain.

So, with or against the grain? The answer is both. Facial hair grows in many directions so you'll shave both with and against the grain at different times in your routine. Shave in the direction that feels most comfortable.

What is the preferred method to shave a client? ›

For most people, an electric razor may be the best choice. Electric razors are less likely to cause nicks and cuts than a standard razor. This is especially important if the person is taking medicines called blood thinners, which can cause even minor cuts to bleed more than usual.

What is shaving method? ›

Shaving removes hair by using a razor or any other sharp bladed tool to slice the hair off at skin level. It is the method used by most men to remove facial hair on a regular, if not daily basis as part of their morning grooming.

What is the shaving process in gears? ›

Gear shaving is a free-cutting gear finishing operation which removes small. amounts of metal from the working sur- faces of the gear teeth. Its purpose is to correct errors in in- dex, helical angle, tooth profile and eccentricity.

What are the two methods of shaving? ›

Shaving can be done with a straight razor or safety razor (called 'manual shaving' or 'wet shaving') or an electric razor (called 'dry shaving') or beard trimmer. The removal of a full beard often requires the use of scissors or an electric (or beard) trimmer to reduce the mass of hair, simplifying the process.

Should you shave both ways? ›

Shaving against the direction of hair growth might be the fastest way to a closer shave. Unfortunately, however, it's also your 'short cut' route to razor burn, damaged hair follicles and ingrown hairs.

Is it better to shave upwards or downwards? ›

Shaving against the grain – i.e. up the leg – supposedly gives a closer shave, but it also increases the risk of nicks, cuts and bumps. It's best to start by shaving down the leg, in the direction of the hair's growth.

Is it better to shave with or against? ›

Shave across the grain.

For most, this will entail horizontal strokes across the face, as most facial hair grows in a vertical pattern. This works well in achieving a closer shave than just with the grain, and doesn't run the same irritation risks as going against it.

How to remove male pubic hair without shaving? ›

Depilatory creams are one of the best answers for painless pubic hair removal. Men all across the globe use a range of creams available in the market. All you need to do is apply the cream on the hair and leave it for the instructed time. It acts on the hair, dissolving it from the root.

How do you shave in order? ›

In this article
  1. Step 1: Moisturize your skin.
  2. Step 2: Exfoliate before shaving, if needed.
  3. Step 3: Use ample shaving gel to avoid irritation.
  4. Step 4: Choose the right razor.
  5. Step 5: Learn how to shave the right way.
  6. Step 6: Apply Moisturizer.

Why does shaving feel so good? ›

The rhythmic strokes of the razor on the face can be surprisingly therapeutic, akin to a mini-massage that soothes and relaxes facial muscles. Moreover, achieving a smooth, clean shave can boost self-esteem, instilling a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

What shaving method lasts the longest? ›

Electrolysis is permanent—and thus, longest lasting. Laser hair removal lasts up to six months and can be permanent with repeated applications, but works better on some people than others. Plucking hairs individually with tweezers lasts up to eight weeks.

Is it better to shave with a razor or trimmer? ›

An electric shaver is easier and safer to use than a razor. It is also less time-consuming and doesn't come with the hassle of changing your razor blade frequently. A beard trimmer, on the other hand, is best for trimming your facial hair without getting rid of it entirely.

What gives the smoothest shave? ›

Pre-shave oils - Not to be confused with beard oil or shaving oil, pre-shave oil is applied to the face before the shaving process begins. It moisturizes your face and acts as a lubricant, sitting below the shaving cream to give you a smoother shave.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.